Bip39 mnemonic generator


You can either enter an existing BIP39 mnemonic phrase or generate a new random one. Typing your own twelve words might not work correctly, as the sequence needs a specific structure, where the last word includes a checksum.

For detailed information, refer to the BIP39 documentation.

If you share the information generated on this page with anyone, your assets could be at risk. Anyone asking for your secret recovery phrase or BIP32 root key is likely a scammer. Do **not** copy or share details from this page with anyone offering help on platforms like Twitter, Discord, Telegram, Etherscan, or Line. You may lose your coins.

Generate a random mnemonic: words, or type your own below.

Derivation Path

For more info see the BIP44 spec.

The account extended keys can be used for importing to most BIP44 compatible wallets, such as mycelium or electrum.

The BIP32 derivation path and extended keys are the basis for the derived addresses.

For more info see the BIP32 spec

Use path m/0'/0' with hardened addresses.

For more info see the Bitcoin Core BIP32 implementation

Use path m/0'/0. For change addresses use path m/0'/1.

For more info see MultiBit HD

Use path m/44'/0'/0'. Only enter the xpub extended key into block explorer search fields, never the xprv key.

Can be used with:

For more info see the BIP49 spec.

The account extended keys can be used for importing to most BIP49 compatible wallets.

The BIP32 derivation path and extended keys are the basis for the derived addresses.

For more info see the BIP141 spec

For more info see the BIP84 spec.

The account extended keys can be used for importing to most BIP84 compatible wallets.

The BIP32 derivation path and extended keys are the basis for the derived addresses.

Derived Addresses

Note these addresses are derived from the BIP32 Extended Key

Enabling BIP38 means each key will take several minutes to generate.
Public Key  
Private Key  
Show starting from index (leave blank to generate from next index)

More Information

BIP39: Mnemonic Code for Generating Deterministic Keys

BIP39 is a critical standard used to generate mnemonic phrases, enabling the creation of deterministic keys. For more detailed information, you can refer to the official BIP39 specification.

BIP32: Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets

BIP32 outlines the structure for hierarchical deterministic wallets. Learn more by visiting the official BIP32 specification. You can also explore the BIP32 demo.

BIP44: Multi-Account Hierarchy for Deterministic Wallets

BIP44 extends the capabilities of BIP32 by allowing for a multi-account hierarchy. For further details, see the official BIP44 specification.

BIP49: P2WPKH-Nested-in-P2SH Accounts Derivation Scheme

This BIP defines the derivation scheme for P2WPKH-nested-in-P2SH based accounts. More information can be found in the official BIP49 specification.

BIP85: Deterministic Entropy from BIP32 Keychains

BIP85 focuses on generating deterministic entropy from BIP32 keychains. To dive deeper, check out the official BIP85 specification.

Understanding Entropy

When generating a BIP39 mnemonic code, it’s essential to ensure that the entropy value does not include the BIP39 checksum, which is added automatically by the tool. Entropy must originate from a strong and reliable source of randomness. This could include methods such as flipping a fair coin or rolling dice. Avoid using potentially non-random sources like song lyrics, birthdays, or any intuitively chosen phrases, as these are not sufficiently random for secure use with a BIP39 mnemonic generator.

Do not store entropy directly. Instead, store the mnemonic phrase derived from it. If you need to store a mnemonic, consider using steganography to hide it effectively. This generator tool uses a cryptographically secure random number generator, ensuring a reliable output. If this functionality isn’t available in your browser, the generator will be disabled, and a warning will appear.

PBKDF2 and its Role

PBKDF2 is a password-based key derivation function essential for securing BIP39 seed phrases. Most BIP39-compliant wallet software utilizes 2048 iterations by default. While increasing this parameter can enhance security against brute-force attacks, it also requires that you securely store this custom parameter. If you use fewer than 2048 iterations, a strong BIP39 passphrase is necessary for adequate security. Learn more about PBKDF2 through this article.

Licensing Information

This BIP39 generator tool, like many open-source projects, is provided “as is” without any warranties. You can find the software license details here.

Offline Usage

You can use this BIP39 mnemonic generator offline by saving this webpage to your computer and opening it in a browser while disconnected from the internet. Alternatively, download the latest release from GitHub.

Open Source Code

The source code for this project is entirely open-source and available on GitHub.

Key Libraries

This project relies on several key libraries: